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N. Miami Commissioner Galvin is a RACIST
Evil City Atty. Jeff Cazea is a slave beater
Contractors Quirino says Niggers are not allowed in the all White N. Miami San Succi Estates & Niggers can't own Yachts WOW!!
Racist City of North Miami Try to Destroy VETERANS event to help America's VETS by stealing the Yacht used to finance the Event!!! see www.americangala.comSee the Mayor & all the Commissioners tellNorth Miami City Manager Larry Spring he's wrong to just take a helpless Black Mans Yacht using Police Power like The NAZISDISCRIMINATING CITY OF NORTH MIAMI & Black CITY MANAGER LARRY SPRING said 75 thousand or they destroy my Yacht after 0ne Day of taking our Yacht breaking all laws we have no rights.
See Video of Discrimination on url below against Blacks by not Whites but Black looking Arabs & East Indians.

1. Michael the Black Man & Boss 
    Brothers stands with America 
    & the Republicans from 1999 
    til this day!
    Political video Url :
2. Michael the Black Man proves 
    to black people that H. Clinton
    is  the KKK.
    Hillary is the KKK video url:
3. East Indian & Arabs are the 
    Racist not White Gentiles.
4. The Republic (Republicans) of Rome (America) protected & helped apostle PAUL who said body of Christ is the Jew (black Americans) & the White Gentiles so it is ur duty to protect me from these Arabs & East Indian Ishmaelites while I Michael the Black Man fight for America see

Short boat video url :

5.  So I Michael the Black Man will continue that legacy because YBY taught us that Noah had 3 Sons Shem Ham & Japheth. Shem grandfather of Abram of the Israelites who were carried away on ships to slavery 400yrs (=USA blacks)Gen.15:13 & Deut.28:68. & Japheth is the Father of White Gentiles Gen.10:1-5. The Gentiles always rescued their big brother Israel. Ex.Cyrus a Gentile Persian King saved Israel from Babylon. Persians are Madia/Medes sons are of Japheth Gen.10:1-5, Isa.43:ch. King of Ludlam a Persian saved Israel from Heman an Ishmaelite book of Ester 5:ch, Pilot the Roman Gentile tried to free Jesus, Romans & Greeks the Gentiles continuously saved Hebrew Paul-Hebrews2:ch & book of Acts, & the Republican Gentiles saved us out of Slavery. The forces (armed forces & weapons) of the Gentiles will help Israel Isa.60:1-8 & Gentiles r forgiven & saved Eze.18:17-22, Rev.7:9-13, 1Cor.12:12-13, Gen.9:27 & Acts.17:26 but the sons of Perdition Canaan & Ishmael must be revealed for the two brethren to Unite & overcome Communisim & Radical Islam!! Gods2.comEvery body CALL North Miami City Larry Spring & tell how Evil it is to Steal our Yacht call him at:  305 895 9888 or 305 205 7444 leave a message quick!read Miami Herald,  NewsTimes, Miami Times, Radio & TV Commercials, & BOSS radio Michael.
   Go fund me link: to help me get my yacht back from NM City goal is 80 thousand & sue City of N. Miami.
N. Miami Ordinance 10-19, Fl. Stat.823.11 & 827.07 that City used to illegally take our Yacht says: they can only fine u $250 & if City helps refloat Yacht can only put a Lein on property. They can only take sunken yacht away from u if Yacht is sunk in public waters & blocking the public waterway, not a private House Dock. The Yacht is valued at 1.2million. They sunk Yacht then illegally took Yacht & won't tell me where it's taken to or give info on how to get it back wow no RIGHTS the rules say u have 60 days to get Sunken Yacht  up but us Blacks impossibly only got 3 weeks with no warning that City was taking the Yacht. There's suppose to be one Law for all in the Constitution 14th amendment & Exodus 12:49. God help us we are Helpless, Hopeless & Crying!


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