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Here are 12 a points, that I (Maurice Symonette) I know will make the USA Heaven (New Jer-USA-lem) ; I will Bring the Black Man, White Man & Police back together in unity & stop the Race War. Having a race war is what the Russians, Chinese, ISIS & the rest of the Jihadist want so they can come into America & help the Black Man over throw the White Man. This is the fear that the Egyptians had about Isreal Exo.1:6. & because the black man has no infastructure, ISIS will enslave all black men and kill all Black & Christian Women in America. My message while running for  PRESIDENT will unify all blacks, Whites & the police who are the 2 true brethern Shem (black man) & Japheth (white gentiles) see for more Info. "Isis plot to kill black women of America" article that is stated in pg.25-30. We as a nation must come together as brothers to stop fighting amongst our selves & fight for each other Neh.4:14. When black & white men unify  no nation that can stand against us. As it is written the wealth of the Gentiles and the forces (police and military) of the Gentiles will flow to me (Isrealites) in the last days Isaiah 60:3-18.


2. I will reveal The Sons of Perdition such as the banker's, IRS & Regulators (Rockerfeller, Rothschilds & Saud) who must be revealed for the brethern latin, black, & white to unite 2Thess.2:1-11 In 2Peter 3:6 it states, if we fight like we did in the days of Noah God YAHWEH will kill everybody by fire and not water. Running for President will allow me to get rid of the law breakers & save all good people of All Nations  Matt. 25:32, Rev. 7:9-13. All nations are one Blood Act.17:26, Gen. 9:18-22, with this we will eliminate all Race Wars!! 


3. ISIS has a PLOT to kill all Black Women of America & all Christian Women. I must save our Women from this Great Red Dragon (ISIS) Rev.12:1-3, Rev.12:1-17. The question is, How do I do this? First, we the people must know that men are angels Gen.19:1&5. By bringing black & white men back together in unity is considered the same as Michael gathering his angels (Men) to fight ISIS & the Jihadist this Great RED Dragon the Ishmaelites father of all Arabs & East Indians  Rev.12:7-8. While in office, the Great Red Dragon (ISIS) will not prevail Rev.12:7-9. And we will save our women.


4. My Job is to save all White gentiles of the world, the Ashkenazi Jewish Gentiles & the White Gentiles of America Rom. 9:24-30, Eze.18:17-22.  According to Rev. 1:13-15 Jesus was a black man & Jesus is Just Us Col. 4:11 said concerning the white Roman soldiers while being persecuted. Forgive him (the White Gentiles) Lord for he knows not what he is doing he's destroyed for the lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. God YAHWEH, gave the promise that Shem & Japheth that they would dwell in the same tent (heaven on Earth) together in Unity so Japhet must be saved with Shem. 


5. To help rebuild the economy, we as a great nation must go back to the Gold Standard, and abolish the IRS. Take taxes down to 10% across the board. Go to for more details. 


6. Eradicate terrorism in Gods way " eye for an eye" Exo. 21:23-25, Put the fear of God in any nation that wishes to harm us, which would cause no other nation to consider such an act. 1Sam.15:3


7. Protect the borders, God had borders Isa. 60:18, Rev. 21:ch. Deut. 2:ch.. The scripture orders us to be like God Matt. 5:48. If God has borders, America should have barriers (walls),  and only allow righteous people into The U.S., which is heaven or New Jerusalem Rev. 21:1-4. If you look at the word Jerusalem in the middle of it you find USA (Jer USA lem). 


8. Health care, Deut. 22:4-5, states that if you see your brother injured you must help him. This is what America was founded on. If anybody comes in injured & can't afford it, we must help him like we have always done.


9. Abortion should be abolished, there is no abortion other than for life or death circumstances life is very precious, life should be respected. 


10. Destroy regulation which is "slavery"and deliver the Black people & White European Gentiles of America out of slavery Lev 25:39 Neh.5:1-8 Isa.61:1-3. 11. No more regulations for the people, we as a nation should live under the laws of God, which only increases your life and protects you. Only the Government is regulated, not the people. Josh.1:8 says that if you keep the Law I will make you prosperous and give you good success. Because the Blessings of The Lord Maketh rich and he adds no sorrow with it. Prov.10:22 & Ecc.7:12


12. My last final point, the right to bare arms in Matt.10:34  Jesus states, I came not to send peace but a sword, then currently our gun rights have been taken away, so that only criminals and terrorist can only have weapons, so that we the people can't defend ourselves. The first gun rights was passed by radical republicans after the civil war, so that black people would have the right to defend themselves against the KKK. Politicians who were members of the KKK passed a law called the Black code of The American south to keep blacks in slavery. These 12 points are what I believe will make this country great. By following Gods Laws this country will prosper. I Maurice Symonette am proud to say I am running for president.



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