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Obama Photo in Turban, Robe Causes Stir - Huffington Post
Ishmael is a Major Son of Perdition who must be revealed or Black & White Won't Unite as we must or God Kills us all 2Thess.2:1-11 Yeah I know your Ishmael the East Indians, Arabs & Pakistanians who hates Isreal (the Black Man of America) & regulates (Enslaves us) you are the true slave masters of the black man of America (true ISREALITES) Masonically hidden, Psalm 83:1-6, Matt. 25:32. Rev.7:9-11 but Ishmaelites, Edomites, Africans & Canaanites will be saved if they repent from regulating. Destroying & eating Black ISREALITES Americans & Whites listen to 102.3fm or see where I will tell Blacks & Whites to never do business with you. We see you & we the Black & White man are going to get you.
Unless you REPENT!!!!! Then we can save you from HELL (ISIS) your own brother Gen.16:12-16 But you don't have to. We see you Ishmael you stop us from doing business by over regulating us because you control Code. Zonning & Police Dept. But your not regulated, you own all the businesses in the Black areas. You are doing us today the same way you did back us Black slave Hebrews in Egypt. By regulating us with Slaves with a whip today the whip is Police being used as a whip by the Code & Zonning dept. As you pretend to be us like Wisconsin's State Attorney not prosecuting Cop who he said didn't follow right procedure to make us Hate Police it's not Police that State Atty. Claims to be a Black man but his name is Ishmael Ozanni WOW ISHMAEL they are the only blacks that are allowed to be promoted & excel or do any business tell people to see
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