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1.Canaans war on Shem & Japheth (Curse of Canaan Book):




2.Masons drink blood:

3. George Washingtonians protects  George Washington's secret of Cannibalism:

4. Richard Scruggs: washingtonians sworn to keep the Canibal (Vampire ware wolf 


6. Abraham Lincoln wrote slave master's are vampires: click on the web picture below read about vampires and 
cannibals in American History.

7.  Babylon is America today:

8. lilith was the first wife of Adam:

9. Naamah Married Noah then wickedly married Ham Noah's evil 2nd 

10. Semiramis:

11. Obama is mixed with 3 of worst people that destroys U.S. Obama's Father Sold Black Hebrews to Obama's Mom:

13. ( Descendant of Esau the Edomite born white/Red Gen. 25:23-25):

12. Canaan was cursed white:

14. U.S. Treasury Expert Walker Todd):

15. Pophyria:

16.When canaan died he said strike terror in us & make us give up our heavenly rights. Rev. 21:8:

17. christmas the blood sacrifice holiday:

18. Halloween the blood sacrifice holiday:

19. all holidays:

20. Etmology of picnic:

21: George Zimmerman was a Democrat:

22.Obama's dad's family:


23. Also abortion is a way for them to aquire our babies to eat like the arabs and canaanites do now view pictures and 
click on links below: Google search links



arab eating jewish baby found on:







chinese man eating a baby found on:













African man holding half eaten baby can be found at:









24. Abraham Lincoln kin to George Bush found in this book.










25. Isis arab man beheads black woman (left).  Watch video here:



















26.clips about hanger 18 space ships.

















27. Geneology in the Red letter Bible






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